Basic Taxonomies

Categories and Tags


If you write about a variety of subjects, categories can help your readers find the posts that are most relevant to them. For instance, if you run a consulting business, you may want some of your posts to reflect work you’ve done with previous clients, while having other posts act as informational resources. In this particular case, you can set up 2 categories: one labeled Projects and another labeled Resources. You’d then place your posts in their respective categories.

Categories are accessible from the post editor. There you can create new categories and assign them to your posts.

Tags, on the other hand, allow you to label your posts with relevant topics. For instance, within one of your resource posts you may choose to write about a set of project management tools. While you can certainly create a new category called “Project Management Tools,” you may not plan to write about the topic often enough to justify giving it a dedicated category. Instead, you may want to tag your post with several topics that exists within the post; e.g. project management tools, communication, time tracking, etc.

What’s great about tags is that they are searchable and provide your users another way to find content on your site. Anyone searching for “project management tools” will be able to locate any posts you’ve tagged with those words!


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Meet Josephine

Josephine is a Mother to two girls, wife, entreprenuer


Rediscover what you’ve always known – who you are. Everything you need to know is already within you, it just needs re-awakening. My free guide will get you started

Blog Categories

Connection to Source

Mindset, Manifesting,
Law of Attraction, Conscious Practices and more…


Juicy, heart felt articles to help you create the kind of intimacy and connection you desire in your relationship


Be the Mother you’ve always wanted to be without sacrificing yourself or your dreams

Divine Feminine

We talk feminine energy, creating flow, surrender, self pleasure, self care and many more delicious topics

Soul Led Business

Follow my journey as I birth a 7+ figure business without sacrifice to my family or values



Juicy, heart felt articles to help you create the kind of intimacy and connection you desire in your relationship​

Divine Feminine

We talk feminine energy, creating flow, surrender, self pleasure, self care and many more delicious topics

Connection to Source

Mindset, Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Conscious Practices and more…​


Be the Mother you’ve always wanted to be without sacrificing yourself or your dreams

Soul Led Business

Follow my journey as I birth a 7+ figure business without sacrifice to my family or values

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